Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tails from Home -- Ruff, Cobey, TO, and Nico

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Our dog blog mailbox got another 'Tails from Home' update!  Today we have a note from 'up north'!

My Mom doesn’t have any fancy video equipment so no pictures.  She says we only have a “dumb” phone, whatever that is.  Anyway, she loves us and thought some of you might like to know what my siblings and I have been up to.  

It has been a long, cold winter.  We’ve been sleeping a lot.  The snow got so deep in our turn-out pen that we could hardly squat.  Then Mom got out her snowshoes and tramped down that nasty stuff!  Still cold on the feet—but much better for, well you know what.  Then it got deep again, and well… It seems to be getting warmer now, less snow but lots of mud.  

Squirrels are out like crazy—I thought Nico and I got rid of all of those last fall, but guess we fell down on that job.  We only go for short walks because it is still pretty cold and the snow is still deep in our favorite walking areas (plus our sister TO is old and can’t walk too fast anymore).  Mom says they treated the road we used to walk on with some “nasty” stuff so we can’t walk there any more.  

Mom says some day it will warm up and we can go for some nice long walks.  I don’t know when “some day” is.  Can that be tomorrow??

Forever hopeful.
Ruff Ruffman(aka Valera)
For Cobey, TO and Nico

Thanks so much for sharing your tails with us!  We hope it warms up soon!

PLEASE send in your 'Tails from Home' too!  To keep the 30 days of 'Tails from Home' going we need more tails!  

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