Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tails from Home -- Harry

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

In keeping with the 30 days of 'tails from home', in celebration of April being adopt-a-greyhound month, we hear from Harry's family today.  Enjoy!

My story is like so many other greyhound lovers.  I had lost one of my greyhounds and was feeling that it was time to add an addition to the family.  I had been talking about how Mike and I like boys and maybe a little younger one as Reggie, the other greyhound we had at home, was younger.  Dr. Barr said there was a nice boy named Harry that was up for adoption.

I immediately raced home and looked him up on the website.  He was a brindle.  Well, I really wasn’t looking for a brindle as my two others that had gone to the rainbow bridge were brindle.  In addition, he really did not have such a cute face and every time I said “Harry” it made me think of “Hairy”, so I just put it out of my mind.  It just didn’t seem right.

I was at the clinic with Reggie.  As he was led into the back, all the sudden a brindle boy appeared in my room.   It was Harry.  He was a big boy with energy and love so much that I did not even really notice he was brindle.  He gave me a little kiss and snuggled right in.  Hmmmmmm, I think I will have to give this boy a try.

Harry easily won my heart as he is very affectionate, goofy as a bed bud and downright sweet all wrapped up into one.  I decided Harry wasn’t such a bad name after all-Harry Connick Jr., Prince Harry, Harry Houdini are famous just to name a few. He now has many names Herr Meister (yes we are German), Hairy Monster, Hairy Bear and Hairdini.   Mike still wasn’t sure.

Harry did not seem like the sharpest crayon in the box.  He couldn’t figure out how to jump in the car for many months.  He challenged Reggie-the alpha of the pack- barreled past Reggie, he tried to steal treats from Reggie and jump into Reggie’s bed to name just a few things all the while he did not pay attention to the low rumble coming from Reggie.  Harry just seemed oblivious to his surroundings or not very bright-I was sure he was not very bright….

One day, I came home from work and Mike said, “Harry and I have something to show you.”  I thought oh no! -an accident, he destroyed something, what could it be?  Mike had Harry sit and shake and do “other paw” and they were working on down.  All this had been done without me knowing. What a surprise for thinking he is not so sharp!  Maybe I was the one who was not so sharp for not realize how brilliant he was!

Well, I could go on and on about stories of my funny boy but I would have to write a novel.  Perhaps the real reason I wrote this story is to say that it may not be what we think we want or need, but it is exactly what was supposed to happen-some call it destiny-some call it divine intervention.  Sometimes your head does not know what is best for you and you should just follow your heart!  Harry has been a joy to have in our household and he has become a daddy’s boy for sure-the one who was so unsure about him!  Have an open heart and mind and what is supposed to be will be!

Thanks so much for sharing Harry's 'tails' with us!  Happy adopt-a-greyhound month!

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