Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tails from Home -- Summer Pictures WANTED!

Can you believe it...the 4th of July is a week away!  A week away!  How has the summer gone so fast?!

The NLGA Dog Blog is planning a special 4th of July tribute to a "Greyhounds Summer"!  And your help is needed!  Let's see if we can get 100 pictures of your greyhounds doing summer things!

You know summer things...taking a nap in the sun, taking a nap in the shade, stopping to smell (or pee on) the flowers, relaxing in a pool, taking in a concert in a park, swimming, going for a boat ride, taking a long walk, helping you with yard work, camping, riding in the car, digging a hole ...basically anything your greyhound does in the summer!

And if you are short on pictures, that's okay...take a few in the next few days, it is summer after all!

Please send a few summer themed pictures of your hounds to and your greyhound can be a part of the 4th of July tribute to a "Greyhound Summer" too!

Your participation is need to get to 100 pictures!  Thanks!

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