Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Fever

Hooray! We made it! Today is officially the first day of spring! And to celebrate, this week's poem is all about spring from the perspective of a Greyhound!

Spring Fever
By Katie Gilstrap

The winds are shifting westward.
The skies are turning blue.
The sun is shining brightly,
And all I want to do

Is gallop through the meadow
And lope along the range.
And feel the Earth around me
As it begins to change.

The winter snow is melting.
The blooms are green and golden.
The grassy fields around me
Are ready to be rolled in!

The mild breeze is gusting
Across the riverbeds.
I want to swim beside the banks
And exercise my legs.

I want to taste the dew drops
That gather on the reeds.
I want to hear the wind blow.
I want to sniff the weeds.

The winter months are over!
The clouds are rolling out.
I want a chance to go and see
What spring is all about!

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