Sunday, July 21, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Showcase Sunday -- Curled Up Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Spotlight Sunday for curled up greyhounds!!  [if you have no idea what this means...just look here first]

Let's get right to it...enjoy the pictures of all your greyhounds being as small as they can be!

Millie curled up resting with Max

Kordell curled up on the couch

Amir loves curling up on this leather chair!

"This is as small as I want to be!" ~ Silver

Killian curled up in her bean bag chair

Tara curled up small

Boo avoiding the bright sun light by curling up

Silver is looking comfy curled up on a dog bed!

Max curled up reading for the night

Encore curled up for a nap

Scooter and Tara curled up together

Pearl curled up with some of her favorite toys

Kordell Curled up resting

Pearl curled up with yet more of her favorite toys!

Zinderella curled up

Silver curled up on for a nap

Scooter curled up enjoying the sun

Boo's favorite spot!

Tara's favorite vantage point

Cash half-curled

Pearl curled up with her heart pillow doll

Ann helping in the garden

"I know I'm not supposed to be on the bed!" ~ Scooter

Wildfire curled up tight!
Silver nice and's a dogs world!

Killian with her favorite toy

Greyhounds curled up look like all legs!

Millie curled up for the evening

Nike curled up for a rest

Copy with her nose tucked tight!

Silver curled up

Tara curled up ... Scooter, not so much!

Pearl's favorite place to curled up is on Mom's pillow!

Encore curled up on top of a pillow

Scooter likes to curl up by pillows too!

Pure Elegance!

Killian is ready for a good night of sleep

Tara and Scooter curl up to share the couch 

Killian and Max need to curl up to share the couch too

No need to share...curled up in a chair!
Curled up and dreaming sweet dreams!

Scooter curled up on the small couch

Steel is snuggled in

Steel is curled up for a nap

Sweet Tara taking a nap

Scooter and her curled up tail comb-over!

Encore curled up and cozy!

Reggie finally curled up for a photo!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in this weeks NLGA Photo Roundup! This would not be possible without you! Watch for the next task on Tuesday...then send in your pictures!

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