Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Have a Greyhound Safe 4th of July

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Today is July 3rd, which makes tomorrow the 4th of July!  You know what that means...a day of celebration  with family/friends/neighbors and an evening of fireworks (a.k.a. pyrotechnics)!  Aerials, mortars, flames, sparks, colors, bangs, crackles, flashes...oh, my!  We watch in awe and amazement at the transformed night sky!

That awe and amazement more than likely does not extend to the greyhounds in our lives!!

Even if you greyhound does not seem to mind the fireworks (lucky you!) he probably doesn't *like* the fireworks either.  And on the other end of the spectrum, your greyhound may be absolutely petrified of the loud noises and flashes in the sky that happen around this time of year!  If that is the case, no explanation is needed as to their is all too familiar to you!  And most greyhounds fall somewhere in the unpredictable middle.

Max 'hides' from the fireworks in the bathroom
Killian bravely pants on her bed

No matter where your greyhound falls in the spectrum of enjoying fireworks, please make sure you are extra vigilant during this holiday season of booms and flashes by taking all the precautions you can to ensure your greyhound/s have a safe 4th of July!  More pets 'run away' or 'take off' during the 4th of July celebrations when being spooked by fireworks than during any other holiday.

The safest place for your greyhound is indoors.  Please do not leave your greyhound unattended outside, even in a fenced in yard.  You never know when they can get spooked and it's not worth the chance of losing your best friend on the scariest (for them) night of the year!

An extra tired greyhound on the 4th of July is the best kind of greyhound to have!  And, if it is possible, close all the windows, draw the shades, and crank up the volume on the radio or tv to drown out the noise of the fireworks in the evening!  As always, keep a collar with identification tags on you hounds.  And always, always, always keep their leash wrapped tightly around you wrists!

In the absolute unfortunate event that your greyhound does get lost, and let's do everything you can for this NOT to happen, the first thing you should do is call the NLGA lost hound coordinator at 612-310-0765.  Put this number in your phone right now.  Really!  The quicker a lost greyhound can be found, the better.  The lost hound coordinator will send out an all points bulletin for help in finding your greyhound!  The system does work...but let's not test it, shall we!

If your greyhound turns these your vet!
(and take a picture!)

Please have a very greyhound safe 4th of July!

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