Monday, August 3, 2015

Everyone's Friend -- Baker (Sweet Seminole)

Everyone's friend - Baker (Sweet Seminole) chose us at NLGA in February 2007. He spent nearly everyday, all day with us until his passing in June 2015.

Baker loved car rides, going for walks or simply "helping" put out the garbage. He just wanted to be included, no matter what we were doing. We learned very early that we never ever had to worry about him running from us, all you need do is run in the opposite direction and he would follow - he never ever wanted to miss out on anything.

Baker was the most patient Hound. In a home where the only children are ones with paws, he received lots and lots of attention. Baker had sweaters, ties and seasonal collars and let you dress and undress no problem. Baker shared his beds and water dishes with three cats - always waiting patiently behind them if they got to the water first. He also had three Sheltie cousins he loved to play with.

Baker would come to work with us everyday. He had the run of the office. He loved to greet customers and they loved to talk to him. If Baker spent a day at his grandparents, staff and customers would inquire about him. We would always tell people "Baker has the day off."

Smart as a whip, Baker learned to jump in the car, go up and down stairs and even "spoon." If you laid down and patted the floor, Baker would come over, lay down and flop against you. Baker also knew when we were approaching various destinations in the car - specifically home or his grand parents. No mater which way you went he would stand up at the last turn. We still aren't sure if he memorized the bumps in the road or if he could read street signs.

Being one of a handful of Greyhounds in our city, Baker was a true ambassador of his breed. He was a handsome, happy boy who was more than willing to stop and meet new people or children who had questions or wanted to pet him. He had an impact on several people and will truly be missed by many. Life just isn't the same without him ...

Sandy & Lori Smith
Thunder Bay, Ontario


  1. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful hound. My sympathy on your loss of Baker 😢

  2. I was so sad to hear about your sweet Baker. I am grateful that we were fortunate enough to have met Baker and get to know even a tiny part of his beautiful soul. His happiness shone with how much he knew he was loved by his family!
