Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Greyhound Siblings - Annie and Bay

Today our trilogy of 'Sister Tails' brings us to litter mates Annie and Bay!

Hello, my name is Annie and I am a sister to Bay.

The first two things most important things you should know about me: I am a princess and I am a lover... I will never be far from your side and will most likely be touching you :)

I am also curious...what is that I smell? Mmm so good... a squirrel, a rabbits, a chippy, birds... oh my!!!

I am a guard dog and have a large fierce bark... don't worry, I will save you! Don't worry, I am harmless. I just want to know who/what you are and what your doing outside my window.

But I am playful too... I enjoy throwing and chasing bones, tennis balls, sticks and playing with other greyhound friends.

Car rides are the best... head out the window, wind in my face, just so much to see!

I have curious taste buds and enjoy sampling everything from tree seeds and bark (mmm...) to fruits and vegetables. I just love to eat!

When your day is done and we are off to bed, I will lie silently, groan a few times to let you know I am comfortable and sneak into bed with you when you are least expecting.

Sniffs, Annie


My name is Bay, and I’m Annie’s sister.

We are both stunningly cute, cuddly, and curious. Unlike my sister, I don’t claim to be a princess. No, I’m the clown in the family. (I’ve learned lots besides stairs from my adopted sister, Bree!) When Mom is on the sofa reading the paper, I love to hop up and slither my way behind her back, planting my nose firmly between her kidneys. Even though I can’t breath back there, it’s my favorite place in the whole world! I also enjoy lodging my head squarely in Dad’s tummy, knowing I’ll get a really great neck scritch. Never fails.

Like Annie, I cling to Mom’s hip and follow her everywhere she goes. I really enjoy trotting down to the laundry room with her. There are all sorts of goodies down there that I can snatch and haul to my bed. I prefer sox and underwear, but the occasional sneaker, whiskbroom, and flannel shirt have made it up the stairs and onto my bed, which is conveniently located smack in the middle of the living room. Mom freaks when she sees her bra between my teeth. Love it!

Did someone say “Stuffies?” I LOVE my stuffies. Bree loves stuffies too, and we have contests to see which one of us can toss our stuffy the highest. That gets the old adrenalin flowing, and off we go running through the house together, one of us (usually Bree) ending up flying onto Mom and Dad’s bed. Then Mom wonders why the comforter is pushed up against the headboard and Bree is limping. But hey, it’s in our blood!

Last but not least, I totally enjoy our walks each morning. The best part is when I spot prey, be it a squirrel, cat, or plastic bag. I stop dead and stare the critter down. After a few seconds, Mom tugs on the leash and trys to get me to move, but I stand my ground. That’s when I have the most fun! I lock my legs and stare straight ahead, usually to the count of eight. Finally, Mom has had enough, and she grabs my harness and drags me down the sidewalk a short ways. I finally tire of asserting myself, and we continue on our way…until the next critter appears.

I love my life!

Bay (a/k/a Baylee, Bayleaf, and Bwat)

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