Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stick em' Out!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Sunday. Let's get right to it.  Greyhounds sticking out their tongues! Enjoy!

Dudley can reach the top of his nose.  Can you?

Long Tongue Exhibit 1:  Bruce

Long Tongue Exhibit 2: Euro after a long walk

Long Tongue Exhibit 3: Baboo

Escaping Tongue Syndrome (ETS) Exhibit 1: Copy looks comfy

ETS Exhibit 2: Mouth to Couch

ETS Exhibit 3: Not even sleeping!

Long Tongue Exhibit 4: What did you say?

Tongue mid-yawn

I think I should have one too.  Please.

ETS Exhibit 4: Wow Max, that's classy!

ETS Exhibit 5:  Impressive.  White teeth
and a long tongue!

Long Tongue Exhibit 5:  On top of the dog bed

ETS Exhibit 6:  Defying gravity

Long Tongue Exhibit 6:  In costume.

Long Tongue Exhibit 7:  Your tongue would be long if you
were standing next to a tiger too!

Glad I was invited ... let's eat!

That was a good bone, do you have another?!

ETS Exhibit 7:  The beginning for Needle

ETS Exhibit 8:  Needle the Pro

It's a good day to let your tongue hang out.

ETS Exhibit 9: On the carpet

Sushi.  Yes, please.

Long Tongue Exhibit 8:  How does that fit back in?

Food?!  Did you say food!?

Will there be cake at the party?!

Long Tongue Exhibit 9: In the grass

ETS Exhibit 10: Relaxed

Did you say treat?!

ETS Exhibit 11:  Taking a nap

Long Tongue Exhibit 10:  Well, hello

ETS Exhibit 12: Dancin' 

ETS Exhibit 13: Zelda

ETS Exhibit 14: Love.  Never mind gravity!

ETS 15: Wide awake Bay.

Long Tongue 11: Zelda, what a long tongue you have!

Yum.  Long tongues are greyt for peanut butter!

We hope you enjoyed all the greyhound tongues!  Thank you for all your photo contributions!

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