Monday, September 30, 2013

NLGA's Day at Aamodt's Apple Orchard

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Wow.  We lucked out and got the picture perfect apple orchard day!  Sunny.  70s.  And busy!  Lots and lots of people were introduced to greyhounds!

A greyt big thank you to all the greyhounds, and their families, for coming out to enjoy the day!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Showcase Sunday -- Greyhounds Up Close!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Spotlight Sunday for greyhound close ups!  Let's get right to it...enjoy the pictures!

Gabby up close in the grass

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Foster Feature--Meet Herbie

Mulberry Herbie is my name and I am looking for a home of my very own.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Tails From Home -- Ivanka

It is always fun to learn how our newly adopted greyhounds are doing in their new homes.  We received an update from Ivanka's new family.  She has been with her new family for almost 2 weeks now.

This is the update I received after 1 day (with a couple edits):

Thursday, September 26, 2013

UPDATE -- NLGA @ Aamodt's Apple Orchard

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

Based on the weather forecast for this weekend, NLGA @ Aamodt's Apple Orchard has changed to Sunday, September 29th from 11am to 1pm!

It is supposed to be cloudy with sprinkles/rain on Saturday with temperatures in the low 60s.  It is supposed to be sunny and in the low 70s on Sunday.  We're hanging our hats on the weather forecast and decided that Sunday would be a much nice day for our trip to the apple orchard.  We hope you can join us!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Looking for Our Forever Homes!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It has been a really exciting summer with a lot of newly retired racing greyhounds making their way to NLGA!  And it has been very exciting to see so many of these greyhounds find their forever homes!  Today we would like to highlight some of our greyhounds still searching for their forever homes.  Let's show them some greyhound love!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Task Tuesday -- Close Ups!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Task Tuesday again!  However, before we get to this weeks task, we have one important item to touch on first!  The 2014 NLGA calendar!

2014 NLGA calendar voting at the picnic!

There was a greyt response for picture for the 2014 NLGA calendar!  Thank you for your participation!  You voted for the monthly cover photos at the NLGA picnic, the votes have been tallied, and the monthly cover photos are in place!  The folks working on the calendar have put in all of the final touches (Thanks for all your hard work!) and the 2014 NLGA calendar is headed to the printers!  Watch for it to be on sale in mid-October!!  Just a few short weeks away!

Monday, September 23, 2013

All 3 Have Their Forever Homes!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Remember this post about Pretty Girl, Whiskey (a.k.a. Lucy), and Ivanka on their journey to NLGA in mid August?!  

Well, it's GREYT to be able to say that all three girls have found their forever homes!  Congrats girls!  And congrats to your new families too!  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Spotlight Sunday -- Greyhound Smiles!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Spotlight Sunday for greyhound smiles!  Let's get right to it...enjoy the pictures of all your smiling greyhounds!

Happy Needles waiting in the sun!

Friday, September 20, 2013

How to Teach a Greyhound Stairs!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

What a heartwarming story we have to share today!  You are really going to like it!  Enjoy...!


"Bay had her stitches out last week (from her spay surgery) and I was thinking I should really teach her the stairs.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's Apple Orchard Time!!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's fall!  And you know what that means ... that's right, it's apple time in Minnesota!  We are excited to announce that NLGA will be at Aamodt's Apple Orchard on Saturday, September 28th Sunday, September 29th from 11 to 1!

Come join in the greyt fall fun!  Aamodt's is a busy place this time of year and our greyhounds are sure to get a lot of attention!  Not to mention that you can stock up on apples for pies, crisps, cakes, and general eating!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Four New NLGA Greyhounds!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

With all of the excitement of the 17th Annual NLGA Picnic on Saturday, we haven't had a chance to introduce the four newest NLGA greyhounds!

Herbie and Amanda

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Task Tuesday -- Greyhound Smiles!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

After a week off for the NLGA picnic, we are back at it!

It's Task Tuesday for NLGA's Photo Roundup!  It was so much fun to see all of the happy greyhounds at the picnic on Saturday!  And with that in mind, this week the task is greyhound smiles!

Monday, September 16, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Your NLGA Picnic Photos!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Here are some more greyt photos from the 17th Annual NLGA Picnic!  Thanks for making is such a success!

Echo was all smiles at the picnic!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Greyt Big NLGA Picnic Thank You!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

First things first...  A greyt big THANK YOU to EVERYONE who came out to support NLGA and helped to make the picnic a huge success!  It was an amazing day and it really would not have been possible without YOU!

2013 NLGA Picnic Group Picture!

We were lucky ... we had an absolutely beautiful day with sunny skies and mild temperatures and the rain held off until we just about finished packing up!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's TODAY, the NLGA Picnic!

The NLGA Picnic is TODAY!! ... We'll see you there!

Do not forget to take some pictures to share for this week's Task Tuesday!

Come to the NLGA Picnic!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tomorrow is the Day for Greyhound Fun!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

The 17th Annual NLGA Picnic is TOMORROW!  Can you believe it!  We're looking forward to a greyt day!

A few of the final loose ends will be wrapped up today and everything will be ready to go tomorrow morning at 11am!  And the weather is expected to be perfect ... sunny and low 70's ... knock on wood!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Looking Forward to Saturday

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

First things first! ... identify something well within your reach that is wood.  Seriously.  Have you found it?!  Okay...

Minneapolis Weather Forecast for Saturday, September 14th

That's right!  Low 70's and sunny expected for the picnic on Saturday!  Now ... hurry! ... knock on that wood object you identified!  Whew!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hugo's Forever Home!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Today we have a personal account of a rather unique and rare opportunity that turned into a really greyt adoption story!  It's entitled: Our Trip to Hugo's Forever Home!  Enjoy...!

Hugo and Phil

Donna, Christopher and I had been planning an RV trip to southwestern Minnesota and see several of the State Parks. We thought it would be interesting to rent an RV and bring our greyhound Adel with us. While we were at it, we could swing down to Council Bluffs and Bluff’s Run Greyhound Track to see some races and maybe get a Kennel Tour. The trip was planned for the beginning of August and RV reservations were made. We were all set!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Task Tuesday -- NLGA Picnic Pictures!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Task Tuesday for NLGA's Photo Roundup! This week the task is pictures from the NLGA Picnic!

Relaxing in the pool at the 2012 NLGA picnic

The 17th Annual NLGA Picnic is on Saturday!  That's right ... this coming Saturday, September 14th!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Excited for a Car Ride!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

What's a good way to kick-off another work week ... yup, a greyhound video!  

Happy Monday!  ...Already looking forward to next weekend and the NLGA Picnic on Saturday!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Spotlight Sunday -- Greyhounds from Behind!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Spotlight Sunday for greyhound from behind!! [if you have no idea what this means...just look here]

Let's get right to it...enjoy the pictures of all your greyhounds behinds!

Killian, Hugo, Max, Brandon, and Roof from behind!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Max and His Little Buddie meet Bears!

Max and his little buddies met some bears earlier this summer!

Have a greyt Saturday everyone!  And a week from today we'll see you at the NLGA Picnic!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

We're Getting Ready for the NLGA Picnic!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

The 17th Annual NLGA Picnic is only a little more than a week away!  8 days to be exact!

2012 NLGA Picnic Group Picture!  ... How many people and hounds can we get into the 2013 picture?!

Lots is still going on behind the scenes to make sure all of the details that go into organizing an event like this are falling into place!  There will be a lot of busy days in the next 8 days!  But it will be worth it on Saturday, September 14th!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

NLGA was @ the MN State Fair!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Labor Day is the traditional day at the MN State Fair for NLGA.  And Labor Day 2013 was a success!

It was a fabulous day at the Minnesota State Fair.  The weather was unbelievable.  The crowds were record shattering in size ... a new Labor Day attendance record of 164,277 (!).  There were lots of beautiful greyhounds.  And all of our amazing volunteers!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kiki Visits the Franconia Sculpture Park

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Our inbox was bursting at the seams this weekend with all the pictures that Kiki sent of her adventures at the Franconia Sculpture Park!  And we are happy to share the pictures today with you too!

Enjoy Kiki's photo essay...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Task Tuesday -- Greyhound From Behind

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Task Tuesday for NLGA's Photo Roundup!  This week the task is greyhound from behind!

Max and Copy from behind!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Meet the 3 Newest Boys!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

We are excited to welcome the arrival of three newly retired racing greyhound to NLGA!  They are a fine group of boys!  

L to R: Luke (Drunk on You), Vick (Into the Blue), and Day (Field Day)

And we want to give a special Thank You to our NLGA volunteer Jill and to the kind folks from HGA who helped us transport this greyt group of young lads!  THANK YOU!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Spotlight Sunday - Greyhound Feet

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Spotlight Sunday for greyhound feet!! [if you have no idea what this means...just look here]

Let's get right to it...enjoy the pictures of all your greyhounds feet!