Saturday, November 30, 2013

Learnings from a 1st Time Foster Dad

My wife Laura has shared many stories with me from her prior fostering experiences. While I enjoyed hearing about the racer’s transition into retirement I really had no idea how quickly or slowly this adjustment would take.

Foster Renee waiting for trick-or-treaters on Halloween

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday, Greyhound Style

A Black Friday public service announcement...

Available hounds Beth, Charm, and Day want to remind you that black greyhounds generally wait the longest to find their forever homes.  All three are looking for their very own homes to celebrate many holidays to come!

With that said, take a few minutes out of your Friday and enjoy these pictures of fabulous black greyhounds!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks

On this holiday set aside for giving thanks, please know that we at the NLGA Dog Blog are thankful for each and every one of you!

And we are thankful for all past, present, and future NLGA greyhounds.  Each a unique and amazing creature.

Enjoy today with your friends and family and do not forget to reflect upon what you are thankful for too.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Turkey Day Cautions

Do you include your greyt family members in holiday celebrations?!

With Thanksgiving celebrations quickly approaching ... is your turkey thawing yet?! ... it is important to use caution to ensure the day is thankfully greyt!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Get You Holiday Shopping In

It's just a little over two weeks away!  The NLGA Holiday Boutique!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Make Your Holidays Go A Little Further

Tis' the season to be on-line shopping!

Please remember to use iGive when you let your fingers do the shopping ... holiday shopping and anytime during the year too!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stick em' Out!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Sunday. Let's get right to it.  Greyhounds sticking out their tongues! Enjoy!

Dudley can reach the top of his nose.  Can you?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Foster Beth

Beth's racing name is Betania and she just turned 3 on November 9.  Beth is one of the most affectionate greyhound I have met.  Beth was retired from racing when she broke her leg, but she is healing well and does not limp hardly at all. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Foster Lucy

Meet Lucy.  Her racing name was Cut Loose.  She is a beautiful little girl with a happy personality.  Lucy is 2 1/2 years old.  She will be celebrating her third birthday on May 1st.  For a young girl, Lucy is fairly laid-back.  Well, except when we go for walks!  She loves walks and is just so curious about everything.  Once outside, Lucy has a high prey drive and wants squirrels and rabbits.  And she wants them bad!!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Foster Day

Today we have another update on happy foster boy Day!

Day has been enjoying his time in a foster home since his last post and he has been learning a lot too.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's Right Around the Corner!

That's right!  The NLGA Holiday Boutique is right around the corner...!

Stock up on all of your greyhound needs at the boutique!  And visit Santa for a photo too!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sticking Out Our Tongues

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

This week we are going to stick our tongues out at sending in photos!

Terra's tongue says it all!
Excited for her 4th birthday treat last week!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Foster Goober

A foster home update about Goober!

Goober relaxing with friends

Goober's foster family is still reporting that he is a model citizen!  He has had no accidents.  He is fine with getting his teeth brushed.  He loves walks.  He loves people.  And he wags his tail like crazy!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Greyhound Favorites

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Sunday.  Let's get right to it.  Some of our favorite greyhound pictures!  Enjoy!

Cozy Needle

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Weekend Plans

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's finally Saturday!  What are you and your hounds doing today?  How about attend a meet and greet!

Stop by a meet and greet today!

In the north metro, stop by Chuck & Don's in Blaine from 11 - 1pm.  Join Kim and her hounds to answer questions about greyhounds as pets.  Or, come out and meet some hounds and ask questions!

In the St. Paul area, stop by the West St. Paul PetCo from from 12 - 2pm.  Join Kari and her hounds to spread the greyhound love.  Or stop by and meet your very first greyhound!

Hope to see you at a meet and greet today!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Foster Renee

Meet Renee.

Renee is a good looking fawn girl.  Her racing name was Boc's Revolution.  Renee will be 4 years old in February.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Give to the Max Day is Today!

Today is Give to the Max Day!

Has the greyhound lying next to you (or waiting at home for you) made an impact on your life? Do these fine creatures put a smile on your face and paw prints on your heart? Can you not imagine your world without greyhounds prominently in it?

If you nodded your head even a little to any of the above questions, please consider showing your support for Northern Lights Greyhound Adoption!  Use the secure giveMN widget below...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Zach Man!

Meet Zach!

Zach Man will be 2.5 years old in December.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lots of Favorites

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Everyone has a favorite picture of their greyhound.  A picture that makes you smile on any given day.  A picture that brings back a special memory with your beloved friend.  A picture that makes you laugh.  The picture that you just cannot take your eyes off when you see it.  You know the one!

Favorite picture of Encore!

A collection of favorite pictures of greyhounds.  What could be better?!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Give to the Max Day

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

This Thursday is Give to the Max Day!  Give to the Max Day is a rally of the state’s collective philanthropic spirit.  Let's show our spirit and love for retired racing greyhounds by making a donation on Thursday!

You can make a difference.  You can spread your love for greyhounds.  You can assist another retired racer in finding his/her forever home!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Changing of Seasons

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Sunday! Let's get to it...enjoy the fall and winter pictures!

Con and Rajah ready for winter.  Bring it on!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Gorgeous Goober

A quick update from Goober's foster family...

Goober is enjoying his foster home.  He is learning all about home life with the two resident greyhounds and the resident cat.  His foster family reports that 'he is perfect'!  It has to also be said that he is one striking boy!

Please contact NLGA if you are interested in adding a greyhound to your family!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Bring Out the Hounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Are you looking for something to do with your greyhound this weekend?  Are you looking to meet a greyhound for the first time?  Are thinking about adopting and want to meet an available hound?

Richfield Meet and Greet

Join us this weekend!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Looking Back and Forward

It has been a busy year thus far.  More is yet to come!

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We'll see you on December 7th and 14th at the NLGA Holiday Boutique!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Check In on Cash

68 compact pounds of constantly talking, dark red, curiosity, that is Coyote Cash.

Coyote Cash

It is hard to catch him being still and far enough away to photograph.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall or Winter?

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Today is Tuesday, November 5th.  And today the Twin Cities area is under a winter weather advisory.  Which means it will either be a beautiful fall afternoon or we may get some snow!  Who knows!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome Home!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

We are very excited to introduce three more newly retired racing greyhounds to the NLGA family!

A greyt big welcome to Harry, Magic, and Waneta!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Greyhounds in Costume

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It's Sunday!  Did you remember to set your clocks back one hour?!

And let's get to it...enjoy the greyhounds in costume pictures!

Super Hugo - defender of little dogs everywhere!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

They're Coming!

They're coming .... on Sunday!

Watch the NLGA facebook page on Sunday for new pictures and the NLGA dog blog on Monday for the whole story!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tails from Home -- Great Dane Friend

Happy Friday!

Here are some videos of friends!