Sunday, June 30, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Showcase Sunday -- White with ____ Spots Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Spotlight Sunday for white greyhounds with _____ spots!!  [if you have no idea what this means...look here first]

Let's get right to it...enjoy the pictures of all your amazing spotted greyhounds!

Look at those spots...big and little!

Spotted greyhounds can sit!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Foster Feature -- Forever Home for Dancin

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

There is another lucky greyhound with a new forever home that needs to be celebrated!  Dancin' has found her forever home!

She now has a family to call her very own!  Oh, the things they will do together...walks, naps, parades, car rides, playing, special treats, and all the finer things a greyhound could ever want to do as a pet!  Dancin' will be spoiled and loved by her family...and she will love her family unconditionally in return!

Dancin'...congratulations on your forever homes!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Pride and Petapalooza

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

This weekend is a big weekend for NLGA events...both Pride and Petapalooza!

Part of NLGA's mission is to educate the public about greyhounds as pets.  You and your greyhound/s are needed at these events to help meet people, talk to them, and show them what wonderful pets retired racing greyhound are!  Without you and your greyhound/s, working towards this mission would not be possible!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tails from Home -- Summer Pictures WANTED!

Can you believe it...the 4th of July is a week away!  A week away!  How has the summer gone so fast?!

The NLGA Dog Blog is planning a special 4th of July tribute to a "Greyhounds Summer"!  And your help is needed!  Let's see if we can get 100 pictures of your greyhounds doing summer things!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tails from Home -- Scooter the Digger

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

We recently received a video in the NLGA Dog Blog mailbox from Scooter's friends Con and Raja!

They recruited her to help them with a backyard swimming pool!  Take a look at her progress and be sure to cover the eyes of all those greyhounds you don't want learning to dig...!

Con and Raja...let us know when your swimming pool is ready!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Task Tuesday -- White with ____ Spots Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Task Tuesday for NLGA's Photo Roundup.  This weeks task is white greyhounds with ____ spots!  White with red spots, white with fawn spots, white with brindle spots, white with black spots ... any color of spots!

Monday, June 24, 2013

NLGA M&G Host Get Together and Upcoming Events

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It was a busy week last week for NLGA!

There was the Summer Stroll and Suds a week ago last Saturday.  A greyt time was had by all!

NLGA Summer Stroll and Suds

This past Tuesday there was a get together for the NLGA meet and greet hosts.  All the hosts were invited for a backyard picnic.  There was discussion around what is working, any concerns, the NLGA meet and greet policy, NLGA adoption procedures, general questions, and good conversation.  It was a nice evening devoted to helping to ensure our meet and greets are successful!  A big thanks to all the hosts who attended!

Littermates Kappa and Kiki at the M&G host get-together

Sunday, June 23, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Showcase Sunday -- Red / Fawn Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Spotlight Sunday for Red & Fawn Greyhounds!  [if you have no idea what this means...look here first]

Let's get right to it...enjoy the pictures of all your fabulous red and fawn greyhounds!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tails from Home -- Pearl

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

We received a note in the Dog Blog mailbox from Pearl's family!

So Pearl went on her 2nd visit up to grandma's place (my mom) and got to stay overnight. Certainly she picked grandma's king bed over wedging with mom on that tiny bed in her old room.

Friday, June 21, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Oakdale Parade in Review

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

What a perfect summer evening it was for the Oakdale Summerfest Parade!

2013 Oakdale Summerfest Parade

Being a Thursday evening parade, you would not think the crowd would be big.  And you would be wrong!  The Oakdale Summerfest parade draws a huge crowd!  Lots of people got to see our NLGA greyhounds!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Summer Stroll and Suds in Review

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Last Saturday evening was the NLGA Summer Stroll and Suds!  We gathered at Minnehaha Falls for a short walk and then food/beverages from Sea Salt Eatery. 

NLGA Summer Stroll and Suds -- 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Foster Feature -- Forever Home for Ann

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

We have another adoption we need to celebrate!  Another lucky NLGA greyhound has found her forever home!  She now has a family to call her very own!  This is a special time for a sweet little greyhound!

She will be spoiled and loved so much by her family...and she will love her family unconditionally in return!

Ann...congratulations on your forever homes!!

p.s. Your foster family is proud of you!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Task Tuesday -- Red / Fawn Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Task Tuesday for NLGA's Photo Roundup.  This weeks task is red & fawn greyhounds!

Star has beautiful, thick red fawn fur!
She is still looking for her forever home!

Monday, June 17, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Oakdale Parade

Hey, hey, hey ... it's another NLGA parade!!  

NLGA will be participating in the Oakdale Summerfest Parade on Thursday, June 20th!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Sunday Showcase -- Brindle Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Spotlight Sunday for Brindle Greyhounds!  [if you have no idea what this means...look here first]

Let's get right to it!  How many of these gorgeous brindle greyhounds can you name ...

A: dancing brindle greyhound

Saturday, June 15, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Summer Stroll and Suds

Today is our NLGA Summer Stroll & Suds at Minnehaha Falls Park and the Sea Salt Eatery.
The weather is looking beautiful and we are looking to have a lot of fun this evening!

Minnehaha Falls creek below the falls

Friday, June 14, 2013

Call for 2014 NLGA Calendar Photo Submittals

The 2014 NLGA calendar committee is requesting photographs of your greyhounds!

Send in your pictures!!  Catch your hounds doing special tricks or just regular greyhound poses; the NLGA calendar wants them all!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tails from Home -- Frazier Has A New Name To Go With His New Family

It is always fun to hear how a newly adopted greyhound and his family are adapting to each other.  As a foster mom, you form a bond with the foster greyhound and love them in a very special way so I like to know that everyone is happy.  Here is an email we received from Frazier's family.

"Frazier (who we are now calling Loki) is happy boy! We both love him very much and he certainly likes to return the affection with lots of cuddling and tail wagging. The first days were not that difficult and we would especially like to thank you for doing such a great job in acclimating him to household life. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Final Day of Cub Foods Brat Stand

Yesterday was a greyt day at the St. Louis Park Cub Foods Brat Stand!  Can we make today even better!!

Join us and help support NLGA greyhounds!

NLGA Outings - Summer Stroll and Suds

You are invited to the next NLGA social outing!  It's called the Summer Stroll & Suds.  

Meet at Minnehaha Falls Park near Sea Salt Eatery on Saturday June 15th at 6pm!  We'll take a short walk with the dogs, spread a little greyhound love, and then conclude the evening socializing with great food (and beverages) at Sea Salt Eatery.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Task Tuesday -- Brindle Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Task Tuesday for NLGA's Photo Roundup.  This weeks task is brindle greyhounds!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Foster Feature -- Forever Home for Reese

It's official!  Reese has found his forever home!  He is another lucky NLGA greyhound with a family of his very own!  Lots of petting, playing, sleeping, and attention for this happy boy!

Reese...congratulations on your forever homes!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Sunday Showcase -- Black Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

It's Spotlight Sunday for Black Greyhounds!  [if you have no idea what this means...look here first]

Let's get right to it...

Foster girl Dancin' thanking Dan for the greyt party

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Foster Feature -- Meet Talia

Hi, I am Talia

 Can you resist saying "ohhhh" when you look at this face?

Talia is a sweet 9 year old girl with lots of home experience.  She is a little peanut (about 60 pounds) and quiet as can be--unless another dog gets near her dinner.  Then she has a big bark to get them away from her.  Talia is shy when she first meet a new person, but warms with a little time.

Friday, June 7, 2013

From the NLGA Board -- 2013 NLGA Picnic Planning Meeting

The 2013 NLGA PICNIC is getting closer...!

New Place, New Date, New Food … NEED help!
Yes, it’s time to start thinking about the Picnic!

So, what do you like about the Picnic…

Thursday, June 6, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Cub Foods Brat Stand Fundraiser

Attention!  Attention!  Summer is here and it is time to eat brats and burgers!  Eat brats and burgers to benefit NLGA greyhounds!

On Tuesday, June 11th, and Wednesday, June 12th, NLGA will be staffing the brat stand at Cub Foods in St. Louis Park!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NLGA Outings -- More Grand Old Day Pictures

Yay!  A few more pictures of the Grand Old Day parade!  Thanks, Daisy Lu, for sharing!!

Daisy Lu getting ready for the parade!

Friends!  Simply priceless!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

NLGA Photo Roundup -- Task Tuesday -- Black Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

Today we are going to kick-off a new feature for the NLGA Dog Blog!  It's called 'NLGA Photo Roundup'.

Here is how it will work:
1) Each Tuesday your picture taking task for the week will be announced; hence, 'Task Tuesday'.
2) Get out your favorite mode of taking pictures, find your greyhound subject, and go crazy with the task!
3) Take lots pictures!  Then send a couple of your favorites to (or post them to the NLGA Facebook page with an appropriate title)
5) On Sunday, all the pictures received will be posted on the blog; call it 'Spotlight Sunday'

Monday, June 3, 2013

NLGA Outing -- Grand Old Day Review!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Can you believe it...?  Another Grand Old Day parade has come and gone!   And the weather was perfect!

Grand Old Day Parade -- Norther Lights Greyhound Adoption -- 2013

A HUGE THANK YOU to all the greyhounds and people that came out to the Grand Old Day parade today!  Your support of NLGA is very, very much appreciated!  Each and every one of you are truly make a difference in helping an NLGA greyhound to find a forever home!  And that is our mission...finding responsible homes for retired racing greyhounds!  You...the volunteers...are what makes NLGA what it is!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  A million time, THANK YOU!

NLGA Outings -- Grand Old Day Parade "In Action"

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

Hope everyone is up and getting ready to head out to the Grand Old Day parade this morning!  It's shaping up to be a nice morning...a beautiful day for a parade!

Technical skills will be tested today as an attempt is made to add a few pictures to the blog as the parade progresses.  So...head on out to the parade and stay tuned!

Saturday, June 1, 2013