Friday, May 31, 2013

Foster Feature -- More New Forever Homes!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

There is more greyt news to share this week!  That's right, there have been a couple more recent adoptions that need to be highlighted!  It is always nice to share greyt news!  Especially on a Friday!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Grand Old Day Parade

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

The Grand Old Day Parade is this coming Sunday!  That's only 3 days from now!  Are you going to be there? are not going to want to miss it!  Promise!

The goal is to have 54 greyhounds in attendance...that's one greyhound for each NLGA greyhound adopted last year, plus one!  And it's also 3 times the number of greyhounds we had at Party on the Patio last Sunday.  This goal cannot be achieved without your help!  Each and every greyhound gets the total number one greyhound closer to 54!  Each greyhound make a difference and it cannot be done without your help!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tails from Home -- Share your Memorial Day Weekend fun!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

How did you 'unofficially' bring in summer this past weekend?  Share your pictures and tails!

Did you ride in the car?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Party on the Patio Review!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

A BIG thank you to everyone who braved the cool weather Sunday afternoon to attend NLGA's 'Party on the Patio' at Nonna Rosa's!

18 greyhounds (and their people) attended: Callie, Conner, Cool, Harry, Jazz, Kaya, Kiki, Killian, Kordell, Magnus, Max, Raja, Reggie, Scooter, Shirlie, Tara, Wildfire, and Willow!  What a GREYT crowd!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Break

On this, the unofficial start of the long Memorial Day weekend, the NLGA dog blog is getting ready for a long weekend too.  A relaxing weekend of meet and greets, party on the patio, and most importantly the Memorial Day remembrance.

The gravestones at Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Foster Feature -- New Forever Homes!

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It is always nice to share greyt news!  And greyhounds that have recently found their forever homes rank right near the very top on the scale of greyt news!  So...there have been some recent adoptions that need to be highlighted!

Four recent adoptions, in fact!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Party On the Patio

Today is May 22nd.  Do you know what that means?  Today is the day you need to have in your RSVP for Sunday's Party On the Patio!  The weather is still looking okay with it expected to be in the mid-60s and cloudy.  Don't delay...RSVP today!

...waiting for your RSVP!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

NLGA Outings -- It's coming...!'s coming!  It's coming before you know it!  The summer will fly right on by and BAM! Just. Like. That. The NLGA Annual Picnic will be here!  It will seem like just yesterday when it was May 21st and you were being reminded that it was coming.  It will know it will!

2012 NLGA Annual Picnic

Monday, May 20, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Party on the Patio

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  We sure did and we are already looking forward to the next!

Next Sunday, May 26th, is NLGA's Party on the Patio!  We will be going to Nonna Rosa's in Robbinsdale at 3pm.  This is a social event for both people and greyhounds!  Nonna Rosa's has a fenced in patio and we have already put in our request for beautiful, we should be all set!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

100th NLGA Dog Blog Post

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

We have hit a milestone...this is our 100th NLGA Dog Blog post!  Thanks for helping to make our blog what it is today and what it will be tomorrow too!

A big smile for the 100th Dog Blog post!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Foster Features -- Senior Greyhounds

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

Senior greyhounds are a special group.  On paper it may seem that they will have a shorter time with you.  But, really, who's to say how much time any of us have?!  Senior greyhounds do it right and live each day to the fullest.  They will fill your home with so much love, joy, and special memories that will last a lifetime!

Senior greyhounds have a past that their new families will never fully know, be it as a brood mom or in a previous home, but they want nothing more than to create a special future with you!  Everyone who has ever adopted a senior greyhound knows there is something extra special about them that simply cannot be put into words! You need to experience the wonder of adopting a senior greyhound yourself!

NLGA currently has four senior greyhounds available for adoption with another on the way:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Update -- Found Greyhound

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

We wanted to provide a quick update on our previous HELP – FOUND HOUND post from May 3rd.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Upcoming Meet and Greets

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Are you and your hounds looking for something to do over the next few days?  Or are you looking to meet some greyhounds?  Either are in luck!  NLGA has a lot going on!

Come see the NLGA 'floor models'!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Foster Feature -- Dancin

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Today's foster feature is Dancin'!

Dancin is one sweet momma dog!   She loves her kennel and pouncing on / squawking her hard boiled softie (by Kyjen).

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Foster Feature -- Frazier

We have had Frazier (racing name MK Daybreaker) for 4 weeks now and the transformation has been great and fun to watch.  When he first joined our pack, Frazier was quite timid and apprehensive about everything.  He stayed close to foster mom and did not interact much with the other hounds.

Now, Frazier is confident and will go off and lay in a room (with or without the other hounds) and away from the humans.  He has begun to play with toys and the other dogs.  Frazier was very leery of the stairs leading to the 2nd story of the house.  He would go up a couple and then turn around.  Foster mom was upstairs one morning, turned around and there was Frazier.  He decided to come up all on his own.  Getting him back down the first time was quite the feat!!!!  Now Frazier goes up and down the stairs like a champ.

Monday, May 13, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Party on the Patio!

Come Party on the Patio

May 26th @ 3pm

We will be at:

Nana Rosa’s in Robbinsdale

4168 West Broadway Ave.

They have a fenced in patio area!

People and hounds welcome!!

Please RSVP to:
by May 22nd

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Foster Feature -- Happy Mother's Day

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

Happy Mother's Day!  Especially to the Moms of all the adopted greyhounds!

And a very special Happy Mother's Day to all the greyhound brood Moms!  Sometimes we do not think about it, but it is true...each and every greyhound has a Mom!  These special greyhounds generally retired from their racing careers to raise a few (or more!) litters of greyhounds.  After raising the greyhounds that we know and love, these special ladies are so very deserving of their own forever home!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Weekend M&G's

Hello NLGA dog blog readers!

If you are looking for something to do this weekend, after stopping by Linder's of course, there are several meet and greets! 

Meet and greets are a greyt way to educate the public about greyhounds and greyhound adoption.  Sharing your knowledge is an easy and fun way to help get more greyhounds into their forever homes. 

You can attend today, May 11th:
- PetSmart Waite Park from 11 to 1
- Chuck and Don's Mahtomedi from 11 to 1
- Chuck and Don's Elk River from 11 to 2

You can attend tomorrow, May 12th:
- Chuck and Don's Wayzata from 12 to 2

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, May 10, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Grand Old Day Parade


Thursday, May 9, 2013

NLGA Outings - UPDATE Linder's Fundraiser

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It has been so nice outside!  The Linder's garden centers are now up!  Can we finally say it's spring?!

And good news ...Linder's called us last week and offered to honor our fundraising coupon for May 10 - 14th too!  So it's not too late to get growing and raise funds for NLGA!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Foster Feature -- Ann

In today's Foster Feature we get an update on Ann!

Ann is a young little girl who still has some puppy in her.  She loves going on walks.  While walking, she is always watching her surroundings.  And she enjoys the backyard.

Ann watching the airplanes

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

NLGA Volunteer Appreciation Video

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

This past Friday was the 2013 NLGA Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.  To see a few pictures from the evening, take a look at this post.

NLGA would not be what it is without all our volunteers!  Volunteers make this organization what it is and determine its success.  We are forever greytful for all of you!  Each and every one of you!  Everything you do makes a difference!  We cannot say thank you enough...but we want to try!

On behalf of the NLGA board...for all our volunteers and supporters who made it to the Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and for those who were unable to join us as well...this video is for you!

THANK YOU for all that you do!  We truly do appreciate your efforts!

Monday, May 6, 2013

NLGA Outing - Richfield Meet and Greet

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It sure was a nice day yesterday!  Finally felt like spring...!

The beautiful spring weather brought out a lot of greyhounds (and their people) to the Richfield Petsmart meet and greet.  And the nice weather also brought out a lot of people interested in meeting greyhounds!  Yay!

12 hounds were representing NLGA... Theo, Tank, Greycie, Havana, Philly, Yowza, Iggy, Killian, Max, foster Ann, foster Stretch, and newly adopted Vincent!

Vincent, Iggy, Yowza, Stretch, Tank, Max

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Foster Feature -- Star

A lucky NLGA greyhound found his forever family yesterday!  Yay!  And, in addition to a greyhound getting a forever home, when one greyhound leaves a foster family for their forever family it means that another NLGA greyhound gets a foster family too!

Today Star joined her foster family to learn all about living in a home!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

NLGA Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - Thank You

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

It was GREYT seeing so many of you last night at the NLGA Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner!  ... Greyt turnout!  Greyt people!  Greyt conversations!  Greyt food!  We had a fun evening and hope you did too!

As was mentioned many times during our Board Presidents talk, NLGA would not be what it is without our volunteers!  We truly do appreciate everything you do to spread the word about how wonderful greyhounds are as pets and to help us to find responsible homes for these amazing creatures.

The video which was presented last night will be available for your viewing shortly!  We will post it on the NGLA website, NLGA facebook page, and of course, on the NLGA Dog Blog too!

Here are a few pictures.  If you happened to get more...please share them with us!

THANK YOU so much for attending!  We hope to see you at many NLGA events throughout the year and again this time next year for the 2014 NLGA Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner!

Friday, May 3, 2013


We need your HELP in locating the family of this recently found greyhound!  Time is of the essence...!

This boy was turned into Brighton Veterinary Hospital (New Brighton, MN) last week.  He is 11.5 years old and does not have a microchip. 

UPDATE: He was found in Fridley around April 26-27th.  He was held for the required five days and was released on May 2nd to a local greyhound adoption group.

His right ear tattoo is 121A.  His left ear tattoo is unreadable.

Please help this greyt boy become reunited with his family!

If anyone knows who owns this greyhound, or anything about him, please contact:


Foster Feature -- Vincent

In today's Foster Feature we get an update on Vincent (a.k.a Vinnie)!  [Did you read Vincent's previous Foster Feature?]

Vincent is still a big lover. Having been in his foster home for 2 weeks now, his charming personality is really starting to take shape.  

He is still curious about everything but now steps right up to check it all out.  He is the first one at the door to the garage when someone is coming home.  He doesn't yet understand that some doors open IN and waits with his nose to the door.  Then bang goes the door on his nose and he looks at you like "Hey, I was just waiting for you and this is what I get?"  He's a hoot!  

He now loves stuffies and can be seen running up and down the hall with them and tossing them in the air.  He especially likes the squeaky ones and has learned he can steal them from his foster sisters if he is quick!  He plays hard and naps hard.  

He is XL so all of him does not really fit on the round dog beds; some of him is always laying off the edge.  This can be an issue when other hounds are trying to go past him and he is blocking the way.  But there is never any snarking.  

He is a roacher; hard to understand how a dog this large can balance himself upside/down but he does it well and often.  He is still good with the kennel but now prefers to be bribed by a treat. :-)  And regarding treats, he now understands what to do with them and he does it well!!  He also has shown no interest in getting on the furniture, although his foster sisters do.  

What a great hound he is!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tails from Home -- 30 days Thank You

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Although we would never know based on the weather is the second day of May!  And we wanted to send out a great big THANK YOU to everyone (submitters and readers) for the successful 30 days of 'tails from home' for April's adopt-a-greyhound month!  We hope you enjoyed all the 'tails' as much as we did!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

NLGA Outings -- Linder's Fundraiser

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers!

Are you ready for spring?!  We sure are!!

It's chilly and snowy today but it is supposed to be 70 again by Monday!  That means getting into the yard and garden is right around the corner!  And Mothers Day is on the 12th too! Go to any of Linder's 50+ locations May 3 - 6th and help raise funds for NLGA!  As part of the fundraiser we will receive 15% of your total purchase!

Tails from Home -- Voice of a Foster

Hello NLGA Dog Blog Readers,

On this 31st day of April...yup, check your calendars!...we have a special 'tails from home'!  Today we hear from all the Foster Hounds!

We are the hounds that came before. We are the ones that you took into your homes on our way to a forever homes. We come in many different colors and sizes but our shapes were pretty much all the same; slick and sleek models of 100% greyhound! Through the years we have come to you healthy and happy, and a few of us on the mend from fluke track injuries, and your door was open to all of us.